Sterne Kommentar
VR-Grad User Grad Stil User Datum

Snowball 7- 7- Rea 05.02.25

Spreitz-Stütz-Dingsdabums 7- 7- NikeAltmann 04.02.25

Shiggy 7+ 7+ Karo 04.02.25

Gotta Catch Em All 6- 6- Karo 04.02.25

Kleinstein 6+ 7- Karo 04.02.25

Walking on Clouds 7- 6+ Sven R. 04.02.25

Walking on Clouds 7- 7- Rayman-A 04.02.25

Queens of the Stone Age 5+ 5+ Rayman-A 04.02.25

Bizeps Booster 6- 6- Rayman-A 03.02.25

Henkelgeplänkel II 5- 5- Sepp Hell 03.02.25