Sterne Kommentar
VR-Grad User Grad Stil User Datum

Stage in the sky 8 8+ Marc 15.10.24

Restbestand 7+ 7+ Sven R. 14.10.24

SOBY-CUP Finale Jugend W/Juniorinnen Q2 8- 8 Sven R. 14.10.24

Loneliness of the long distance setter 7 7- Sven R. 14.10.24

Sunshine 7- 7- Rayman-A 14.10.24

Bleifuß 6 7- meadow 14.10.24

Wolke 7 7- 7- meadow 14.10.24

Payback 7- 7- meadow 14.10.24

CleLenz 7- 7- meadow 14.10.24

summer on the inside 6- 5+ F_ 14.10.24